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Adorable Northwest Indiana Newborn Session


May 31, 2018

Adalynn Sadie | Cedar Lake, IN

So, I questioned if this was how I wanted to start this blog post. But hey, it’s time for some real talk. Small business ownership can be a lonely place to be. As an entrepreneur, I neverĀ  dreamed I would need to factor in the amount of time have to defend myself for pursuing what I am most passionate about. It was actually shocking! And it, at times, seemed to be the loudest and longest with my family and my friends.

I mean. Iā€™ve heard it all:

ā€œWell, youā€™ll never be able to make a living doing that.ā€

ā€œAnyone can take pictures – you just get a camera, point, and shoot.ā€

ā€œI would never pay that much for pictures!ā€

ā€œSo excited for our session!….Wait, I have to pay you?ā€

ā€œCanā€™t you just do it for free?ā€

And for years I let those inner voices win. The things Iā€™d heard played like a broken record in my head. I couldnā€™t do it. I wasnā€™t good enough. I stayed in a soul-crushing, thankless job that was slowly sucking the joy out of my life and kept me from my dream. But I was moving up the corporate food chain – I should be excited and proud! Never mind the fact I could never check out of work and was a horrible, bitchy crabby person all day. Every day. Thankfully, one day I woke up, looked in the mirror and said ENOUGH. Enough of the long days. Enough of being on call 24/7. Enough of being so exhausted I canā€™t enjoy my husband and my children. Enough of not being able to enjoy the LIFE God has given me.

So, I know what youā€™re thinking -what does all this have to do this adorable newborn session? Well, this session makes me grateful. It brings me full circle. Iā€™m so thankful I have had people who put their trust in me. Who trusted the experience I could give and valued me as a photographer. Who kept me going even when it seemed too hard and I wanted to give up. People like Brittany and Kevin.

I look back on those struggles at the beginning of my business and am beyond grateful Brittany and Kevin put their faith in me to capture the most important day of there life. And let me tell you, it was rainy, stressful, and joyful wedding day that I still think about and enjoy sharing. And now to watch them begin this exciting new chapter makes my heart so full!

Brittany and Kevin, I am so blessed that I get to be a tiny part of this new period in your life and I can’t wait to watch your little girl grow up. Adalynn is such a darling and beyond lucky to get to call you her parents. Thanks for spending a wonderful Sunday afternoon with me and letting me sniff all the baby goodness – I mean, if I could bottle up that baby smell for later I would! So much love to you, sweet friends!

Adorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn SessionAdorable Northwest Indiana Newborn Session

Much love friends,

Indianapolis Wedding Photographers

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