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Monday Mashup


July 17, 2017

The second half of the summer is flying by so fast! I’m sure all of our traveling this month has something to do with it, but before we know it the school year will be starting!!

Here’s a look at what we were up to this past week:

  • The weather last Tuesday was extreme!! As you all know I work down at Franklin College in the bookstore. What you didn’t know is it’s built in the basement of the student center. That was built over an underground stream. Yeah. So when the rain beat down so quickly, I was sure we were in trouble. Our building is usually the first to flood (duh, on an underground stream), but luck was on our side and every OTHER building on campus had some flooding. I can only imagine the scrambling we’d have to do to save tens of thousands of dollars of worth of textbooks if the water had come in. Yikes! I did get all kind of stories of the flood of ’08 that pretty much closed down the city of Franklin. So glad this wasn’t a repeat!
  • Jackson’s school had a mini safari presentation and he was delighted to pet all the animals! ESPECIALLY the giant python. Jon was not thrilled to see that picture! HA!!
  • It’s here. There’s no going back……band season has begun. Jon had mini camp last week and was gone in the evening. It’s so weird to not have him around as much when we’re home in the evening together and I know the kiddos sure miss him!

1. River sittin’  2. Jackson’s new best friend!  3. Thrilled to see the animals  4. My baby isn’t much of a baby anymore…  5. Yum!  6. These two <3  7. First weekend at home in a month!  8. Target run  9. Those lips!

Much love friends,

Indianapolis Wedding & Portrait Photographer

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