Happy Friday, friends! What fun plans do you have for the weekend?!
If you’re new to Life With the Carneys, click HERE to read the first one before you get started! If you’ve already been wonderful enough to follow along for the Life with the Carneys series fun, welcome back!
Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to the last few weeks:
December has become a very busy month for us with all the babies in the family that have birthdays now! We went up to Crown Point to celebrate Gauge and Lennox’s birthday, the kids loved getting the chance to run around and chase balloons!!
It was another great Breakfast With Santa for the New Pal band. The kids threw me for a loop by asking if he was the real Santa though. I don’t know if I’m ready to have that conversation yet! 🤪
Jon surprised me with plane tickets to go see my sister Kristen down in Texas, who just had her rainbow baby! He was in the NICU for some different reasons, so I was able to hang out and help with my nephew Sawyer and anything around the house they needed to be done. I also got to cuddle my best puppy friend, Barry! We didn’t think he’d make it out before I had to head home, but Baby Harris is such a trooper! He got to come home the day before I left and I was lucky enough to snag some sweet baby snuggles!! (I’ll share my photos of Harris when my sister and brother-in-law are ready to share 😊)
Have I mentioned just how much we love having Jon’s sister living closer to us?? We spent Christmas Eve at their house having the best time, it looks like we have a new Christmas tradition!!
For those that follow along daily on my Facebook, Jackson and Harper couldn’t do without giving you a daily photo on Christmas day too!!!
After opening gifts at home, we traveled up to my Grandpa’s for time with my family. My Grandpa isn’t doing the best, so we feel so very grateful for every minute we got to spend with him throughout the holiday season.
Breakfast at Uncle Nick’s!!
Another tradition we love is getting to head up to Illinois to visit my Great Aunt and Uncle. It was wild having so many kids in a place that’s kid-free the other 364 days of the year, but we all survived!! 😂
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