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Life With The Carneys

Life with The Carneys

April 8, 2019



Happy Monday, friends!

Today kicks off the revival of Life with the Carneys, click HERE to read the first one before you get started! If you’ve already been wonderful enough to follow along for the Life with the Carneys series fun, welcome back!

Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to this past week:

  • Ahhhh, sleep regression…Harper has fallen back into the routine of screaming bloody murder any time Jon or I try to leave the room after putting her down to bed. She gets herself worked up to the point of almost getting sick, so I usually cave and sit in her room with her. She’s also been super stuffed up with a sinus infection, so she’s waking up in the middle of the night crying too. The joys! I haven’t slept in our rocking chair this much since she was an infant. 🙄 Luckily, she’s not a terror during the day due to her less than ideal sleeping right now!! #silverlining #butpleasesendcoffee

  • Jon was off for his two week spring break and we were lucky enough to spend a week of it at home together!! This consisted of mostly putzing around the house doing oddball stuff or binge-watching Madam Secretary. We did pick one day where we got all done up and went a date while the kids were at school – the greatest feeling EVER! We did struggle with talking to one another, as we weren’t being interrupted 4,279 times and we simply didn’t know how to fill that silence. It was slightly disconcerting having that much time to speak to each other…ahhhh, married with kids life!! We enjoyed a trip to IKEA and a tried out a new restaurant on the north side, so it was still a success with all our awkward mixed in there!!

  • I’ve been talking about it for what feels like 6 months (which let’s be real, it’s been longer than that – HA!) and finally chopped off some of my hair. My amazing stylist Courtney always knows exactly what I need to keep it manageable as I stalk people with my camera and chase after kids. I’m loving it!!

  • You guys, I fulfilled a lifelong dream (okay, since I was a preteen dream) and was like 8 feet from Justin Timberlake. My badass husband bought us tickets last year and went all out for some floor seats. It was such a fun night and the show was aaaaaamazing!! We ran into some friends (shout-out to Aaron and Amanda!!) and even became instant besties with some of the people in our little dance pit. We all wanted to be best friends, if only we’d actually swapped info…#awkward

  • I have met with so many amazing couples in the last few weeks and welcomed some of the nicest, funniest couples to the Courtney Carney family!! I cannot wait for wedding season to officially kick off this weekend!!

  • I started another series a couple of weeks ago called On My Nightstand, where I’ll be sharing all my favorite titles I’ve been enjoying. Because if there’s one thing I love as much as photography, it’s cracking open a good book. This series has a little bit of business, a little bit of pleasure, there’s something in there for everyone!! You should probably check it out and share your favorite titles as well. DO IT!!!

  • Spring has finally decided to hang around and I could not be more excited!! The kiddos enjoyed dodging some rain and running around outside this weekend. Mommy and Daddy were happy because they wore themselves out and went instantly to bed at 7:30!!

Much love friends,

  1. Mandy says:

    Such a fun series Courtney – love reading about your week. How exciting that you got to see Justin Timberlake…and SO up close and personal too!! And love the new hairdo looks fab!!!

  2. Ashley says:

    You have such a cute family! Also loving that bridal guide! Nice work!

  3. Alison says:

    SO jealous you got to see Justin Timerlake!!

  4. Amy says:

    Love your new haircut! So cute!!

  5. Kelly says:

    What a great way to document what’s happening!

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