Happy Friday, friends! What fun plans do you have for the weekend?!
If you’re new to Life With the Carneys, click HERE to read the first one before you get started! If you’ve already been wonderful enough to follow along for the Life with the Carneys series fun, welcome back!
Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to the last couple of weeks:
Marching band kicks into full gear this weekend with the first band competition, so last week was all about getting banner photos done for Jon’s seniors. Which means I got to have an impromptu lunch date with Jon!
We had our first e-learning day of the year. I won’t lie, I was nervous having to have both Jackson and Harper doing it at the same time, but they did great!
We took the long weekend and got out of town to see Jon’s grandparents. Both of our schedules get crazy now between band competitions and weddings, so it was great getting to relax and spend time with them! Bonus, Jon’s sister and her family came too!!
Since both our families were able to, we ditched the kids at Jon’s grandparents’ house and did an adult-only trip to Holiday World. It was nice not having to be a parent for an entire day and Grandma Iris was in heaven having all those kiddos to herself!! 😂
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