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Life With The Carneys

Life with The Carneys

March 12, 2021


Happy Friday, friends! What fun plans do you have for the weekend?!

If you’re new to Life With the Carneys, click HERE to read the first one before you get started! If you’ve already been wonderful enough to follow along for the Life with the Carneys series fun, welcome back!

Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to the last couple of weeks:

We’re loving every second of the warmer weather we’ve had over the last week! Spring, please hang around!!! 🙌🏻  We’ve got a countdown going for when we can get the pool opened back up! With the snow gone and warmer temps, we’ve been making an effort to get out for a walk each night. Jackson and Harper would ride their bikes forever if we let them, rain or shine!

I planned a date night with my favorite boy last weekend! He’s got so many legos so we made some trips to find a bigger case to hold all his pieces. He had them all mixed together in one big box, but he wasn’t liking it. He found the perfect case that he can sort them by color now! And get more legos too, which was very important. 🤪

Harper got to go to a work meeting with me this week! We hopped into the car and headed up for a venue tour in Lafayette at Fowler House Mansion. She had fun getting a day away from our normal routine at the house and was great during the meeting even though she got bored. 😂

We finally tried Hello Fresh and were more impressed than we thought we would be! While we’d not do it each week, we might use it as an alternative for the weeks we’re really busy!!

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