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Life With The Carneys

Life with The Carneys

January 3, 2020


Happy Friday, friends! What fun plans do you have for the weekend?!

If you’re new to Life with the Carneys, click HERE to read the first one before you get started! If you’ve already been wonderful enough to follow along for the Life with the Carneys series fun, welcome back!

Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to the last couple of weeks:

How do I have a kid old enough to perform in winter programs? 🤔 while my brain continues to struggle with solving that puzzle, one thing I do know is that Jackson was SO excited for it! He was chosen to do a speaking part and he. was. INTO IT! There I was in the audience with my mom nerves, worrying he was gonna panic or be too shy to sing or say his lines. But no, he delivered his lines perfectly and  as soon as that music started playing he was singing and dancing his heart out. I am one proud mama!

This year we found the most fun set of gingerbread houses to do! They were a set of mini houses we could build to make a village. This was the first year Jackson and Harper have made gingerbread houses and they loved it!

In the few days leading up to Christmas we packed up the car and headed to Jon’s sister’s house. My sister and brother in-law are two of my very favorite people and I’m so glad we were able to chill and catch up with them for a few days! I love seeing Harper and Jackson get to spend time with their cousins, even though we’re still struggling with sharing like big boys and girls sometimes. 🙄🤣 Here’s to making this more frequent in 2020!!

Wittman Christmas is always a big, boisterous affair, but gosh is it fun! Jon’s Aunt Kelly always makes Grandma a calendar with group photos of everyone in their birthday month to hang in the kitchen. The weather turned out to be beautiful so we had an impromptu family session!!

Don’t worry, we of course saw Papaw Leonard’s cows!

One of the things I enjoy most about having kiddos of my own now is getting to play Santa Claus for them. For weeks leading up until Christmas their lists for Santa was all Jackson and Harper could talk about. While they threw some curveballs in there for some gifts (Jackson wanted HIS TV and Harper wanted a new puppy!), it was fun to see them so excited for their Santa gifts. Here’s hoping we have a few more years before they figure out the game!!

 In another note, Christmas was exciting for another first! It’d been a long three weeks waiting to squeeze her and we were all excited to meet baby Lennox on Christmas Day. She’s soooo adorable and Harper is happy to have another girl she’ll be able to play with!!

Jackson lost his first tooth right after Christmas, so he scored another small gift from the tooth fairy. I’d call that extra lucky, for sure, being so close to Christmas!!

Much love friends,

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