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Life With The Carneys

Life with The Carneys

June 4, 2021


Happy Friday, friends! What fun plans do you have for the weekend?!

If you’re new to Life With the Carneys, click HERE to read the first one before you get started! If you’ve already been wonderful enough to follow along for the Life with the Carneys series fun, welcome back!

Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to the last couple of weeks:

The end of May was a big one for us, Jon and I celebrated our 10-year anniversary! It’s crazy to think it’s already been that long, it feels like our wedding just happened!! We’ve squeezed a lot into those 10 years though and there’s no one I’d rather do life with than him!!

School’s officially out for summer!! Jackson was sad to say goodbye to his friends and his awesome teacher, but he already told me he’s excited for second grade and all the new ones he’ll be able to make. It’s crazy to think in August we’ll have a second grader AND a kindergartener! 😱

My sister and her family came up for a visit, it was fun getting to see them again so soon after our Texas trip in March! My parents also came down to stay for a night with us while they were here, so our house was jam-packed with family. Which I LOVE!

My other sister Natalie and her husband hosted their annual Race Day Party, hence the reason for all the family in town. It was the first time in 18 months that my parents, my siblings, and their families all got to be together. We had a great day of good company, yummy food, and fun watching our kids have fun pelting each other with water balloons and squirt guns!

We have a seven-year-old, people!! It makes me confused sometimes when I say it, like there’s no possible way that much time has passed since our baby boy was born. He’s excited to head up to my Grandpa’s house for his party, yet more family time we can all enjoy together!!

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