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How To Ensure You Have An Unplugged Ceremony

Wedding Tips

July 12, 2023

How To Plan For An Unplugged Ceremony

The more couples I chat with, the more it solidifies how important having an unplugged ceremony is. Social media displays all the worst things that can happen and some couples dread the idea of arms sticking out holding cell phones or people stepping into the aisle to snag a quick shot as the bride is coming down the aisle. As a photographer, nothing makes my blood boil quicker than a guest (and sometimes vendors! 😬) disrupting one of the most important photographs from the day. 

Wondering how you can ensure your ceremony is truly unplugged? Here is a look at the top tips I share with every one of my couples to help make it happen!


There’s nothing I love more as a wedding photographer than walking up to a ceremony site and seeing a sign saying they want guests to keep their phones put away. I always recommend this be put near the end of the aisle or right at the door as they’re coming in the venue or church so they’re forced to look at it as they go to be seated. Having it shoved into a corner in the back of the ceremony space is a guarantee it’ll be missed and we don’t want that! Get it right in their faces!


The best way I have found to ensure guests keep their phones away is to ask your officiant to say something right before the ceremony starts. And I mean right before, like 1-2 minutes! There are always stragglers coming in right as the ceremony is about to begin so waiting until just a couple of minutes before means you’ll hit almost all the guests that will be there for the ceremony. Those aisle seats that you’re worried about having their cameras out in the aisle as your walking are going to be filled by that point so those people will be there to hear the announcement. And since the officiant is calling out everyone at once that phones should be away, it slightly forces people into listening. They don’t want to be the one person called out for doing it! 😂


Vendors want everything to be perfect for you! If you let us know that you don’t want phones out, we’re going to make it happen! Besides placing signs or making announcements, we have no problem addressing it in the moment. There have been many a guest I have walked up to and kindly told them the bride would like them to put their phone away and be present for the ceremony. Again, people usually follow directions when they know it’s what the bride wants!

Guests don’t know if you don’t tell them! If you follow these few tips I guarantee you you’ll end up with photos you absolutely love!!

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