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12 Days of Christmas Giveaway | Day 4 | 11×14 Canvas Wrap

Wedding Tips

December 28, 2018

Day 4 – 11×14 Canvas Wrap

I have always been a proponent of having imaged printed. I remember taking my Kodak camera, snapping away until my roll of film (do kids today even know what this is?!) was done, then riding on my bike to the local drug store to have it processed. Wait…how bad did I just date myself? Anyway, I would bring them home and scotch tape them to my bedroom wall to soak up all the memories. I believe your photos deserve to live outside your computer or that disk you shoved in a drawer somewhere. So for today’s giveaway, one lucky winner will receive a free 11×14 canvas wrap! To enter, comment below with where in your home you would hang your brand new canvas!! Winner will be announced tomorrow morning at 8am EST here on the blog as well as over on my Instagram Stories!

BONUS ENTRIES: Like, comment, and share the giveaway post on Facebook and Instagram! Good luck to all that enter and see you back here tomorrow morning!!!

Much love friends,

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway | 11x14 canvas wrap

**Image must be a high-resolution image file, cannot be a web-sized or cell phone camera image. Images provided by a professional photographer other than Courtney Carney will require a written print release from said photographer. Image must be sent/selected by March 31st, 2019 for printing.**

  1. Jason Daseler says:

    Courtney is the best. We’d hang it above our couch in the living room.

  2. Holly Lawson says:

    In my office – there is a bare wall that needs decorated!

  3. Heather says:

    We’re hoping to by a new house soon and it would be great to have a canvas picture of us to display! For now we’d probably put it in our living room.

  4. Eliza Harmon says:

    I’d love to hang one in my kitchen!

  5. Jess zimmerman says:

    Ohhhh!! Above our fireplace 🙂

  6. Julie Goodwin says:

    Omg I LOVE these giveaways! We would put ours above our couch in our home. We ADORE our engagement photos and would also like to put this canvas print on display at our wedding too! There’s a mantle at the reception venue it would look perfect on!

  7. ctl_08 says:

    I’d hang it in the hallway leading to the bedroom!

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