Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous week and weekend!! This past week for our family was full of a lot of unexpected but fun times with both sides of our family. I love when that happens! Mother nature has finally decided it is time for spring and I am giddy by all the beautiful greenery and flowers slowly making their debut.
Here’s the list of learnings/events that transpired over the past week:
- Well, I am convinced I jinxed us talking about Jackson and his “no” phase last week. Harper has now decided to join the rebellion and begun her temper tantrum phase. It’s great because it is most often linked to no type of valid reason whatsoever. She wouldn’t want to go against the status quo, I guess. Sometimes it’s simply because I stopped looking at her. Or I looked at her too long for her liking. Or I drank my water. You know, reasonable things like that. She does do an impressive back arch and flop on the floor when she gets going. My parenting move is to ignore it, so I simply say “BYE” and walk away. My joy comes from the look of shock on her face when I do it…..makes me chuckle just thinking about it! It’s rough, but I think Jon and I can outwit her in this battle 😉
- Guys. Ben & Jerry’s has come out with individual ice cream pint slices. They are like Dairy Queen dilly bars, only there’s no stick and they’re filled with Ben & Jerry deliciousness. Seriously……they are AMAZING. They are my new obsession, regardless of what my waistline will say. Try them, you won’t regret it!
- It’s hard to be on any social media platform and not hear about LuLaRoe clothing. I have never been a big online shopper, preferring to try stuff on before purchasing. I think it also stems from my laziness to go through any type of return process for online purchases if there were a discrepancy or I didn’t like something. Maybe it’s from working in retail, but I want to see and touch it before purchasing to guarantee satisfaction. Anywho….my sister Natalie has fallen in love with LuLaRoe and hosted a party for it on Saturday. I wanted to be a good sister and went to support her. It was so much fun and I walked away with a gorgeous dress for Easter! I actually threw it on to head out to dinner that same night. I see what all the loving is about, it is so COMFY. I see myself getting in trouble down the line with this!!
- Jon and I also got the chance for an impromptu dinner with some of his family. We headed up for a great dinner at Bird’s Smokehouse BBQ. It was a great time spent with great people and I can’t believe how much BBQ miss Harper ate!
- We received a break today in the non-stop rainy weather of the past week and ended up at the Indianapolis Zoo with my sister, her family and my mom. Buying the membership here was one of the best investments we have made as a family. We explored the new Butterfly Kaleidoscope exhibit and Jackson was so excited when a butterfly landed right on him! He loves seeing the animals so much, I have a secret dream he’ll turn out to be a marine biologist or zoologist. We had another cool adventure in the orangutan exhibit. My brother-in-law often comes to the zoo for work purposes and is best friends with one of the orangutans named Rocky. We watched as he interacted, played, and followed Matt around the exhibit. He likes to call it the “Rocky Connection.”
- Jon surprised me and added some new mulch along the front of the house. It’s such a great pop of color! I’m excited to begin working on adding more flowers and starting our garden now that the weather is good for it!
1. Harper has the most amazing bed head! 2. Car rides 3. So excited to get stuff planted and updated! 4. Even caught Harper shopping at the LuLaRoe party 5. Natalie’s LuLaRoe party 6. Love, love, love my new Amelia dress!! 7. Aren’t Harper and Nana Iris adorable?? 8. Butterflies! 9. Lunchtime at the zoo
What was your greatest learning or experience from the past week?? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!! 🙂
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