Happy Monday friends! A pesky sinus infection that’s lasted over a month and a hand injury made for a rough time last week. I’m very glad to say things are back on the up and up!
Here’s a look at what we were up to this past week:
- Harper went in last week for her 18 month checkup and passed with flying colors. It was nice to have just some girl time between the two of us, even if it was just going to the doctor and to Buy Buy Baby for diaper cream. And bonus, no shots this round at the doctor!! Harper bought herself a fancy hat to celebrate.
- Saturday found the kids and I traveling to the cabins in Monticello to celebrate my brother-in-law Matt’s birthday. It’s becoming a yearly tradition full of food, family and fun! All Jackson could talk about was being able to go swimming with his cousin Joe. When it came time to it, he was hesitant and didn’t venture too much into the water. Harper, on the other hand, dove right in. She’s destined to be our little fish!
- Harper is getting her next round of teeth in, four at once this time. She’s being adorable and handling them like a champ, but is also ultra-needy at times. I’m enjoying the extra snuggles though!
1. Cookies and crayons 2. My big kids <3 3. Waiting for Dr. Katie 4. That hat though! 5. Swimming! 6. Building sand mountains together 7. A break from swimming with a snack 8. RAWR! 9. Cuddly rocking chair snuggles are my favorite
Much love friends,
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