Happy Monday friends!! I hope you’ve all been enjoying the lovely fall weather we’ve been having! Indy saw a lot of rain last week, but we definitely needed it. I’m looking forward to this week’s cool, sunny fall weather!
As always, here’s a look at what we’ve been up to this past week:
- My first inventory at the bookstore was a success! It is broken down into two parts, textbooks and then our general merchandise. There was a slight hiccup during the textbook side of things that kept us there a couple of extra hours – thank goodness Jon is on fall break! But everything else went smooth and I should have results in the next week or so. I’m SO happy it was as easy as I believed it would be! Now it’s back to the regularly scheduled program 😉
- The rainy weather has been a blessing to my plants, but torture for our last home improvement project we want to have done before winter! We’ve scheduled, and now delayed TWICE, the painting of our deck. I’m so happy the company that is doing it is really focusing on doing it right, but I’m just so impatient to see it done! We pulled some of the colors from our shed we repainted in the spring to help coordinate the yard. Plus we’ve added a new color that should really pop on the new planter boxes Jon built. Here’s hoping I’ll have some pictures next week of the finished product!!
- Jon and the Marching Hornets had their regional competition down in Evansville last Saturday and I’m proud to say they had a fantastic day and received a gold rating! I would have loved to take the kiddos to see it, but 6 hours in the car by myself with them would have been a little too much. I’m so grateful that it was close enough for some of Jon’s family to drive over and watch. I know he had a great time getting to see so many of his family members!!
1. On Wednesdays, we wear hats  2. Such a big girl!  3. Waking up is ROUGH  4. Nom, nom pizza  5. Enjoying the craft stores with Mommy  6. My happy girl <3  7. Devil hair  8. Regionals! The new BG boy band “The Directors”  9. We take stickering very seriously
Much love friends,
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