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Monday Mashup


April 10, 2017

Hello everyone!! Boy, I am suffering from the worst case of the Mondays. I have felt exhausted and fuzzy-brained all day today. My coffee this morning wasn’t even able to clear away the cobwebs. Followed by sitting in front of a computer all day at work didn’t help the situation. Oh well! Just means extra ZZZs for me tonight 🙂

Here’s a list of learnings/events that transpired over the last week:

  • I am beyond ecstatic the crazy Indiana weather has finally decided it can be spring. The consistent rain can’t even get me down!! Packing away our winter gear for next year after the final hard frost made me giddy. Warmer days, I’m ready for you! Jon, the kiddos, and I spent some time on Sunday looking at flowers and planning out some landscaping ideas we can accomplish in the next few weeks. Pictures will follow, I’m sure of it!
  • Jon and I have found a new breakfast obsession: overnight oats! All you need is a Ball jar, oats, milk, and yogurt. Mix them together, add your favorite fruits, and stick them in the fridge until morning. So simple! You can find a good batch of recipe ideas here. Having two kids is no joke, so simple meals that don’t take a lot of prep work are our best friend!
  • Jackson has officially hit the “threenager” stage. The constant litany of “NO” that comes out of his mouth is enough to make me tear my hair out. The stinker. He does do a pretty good at balancing it out with snuggles and kisses though.
  • Some of my favorite holiday memories are sitting down and coloring Easter eggs with my siblings. It always made me so happy to see all the beautiful eggs filling our Easter baskets! Jon and I set a little station up and we sat down with the kiddos to color their Easter eggs for the first time. Jackson and Harper did such a great job!!

Honest Motherhood

1. Barista in training  2. Overnight oats = so good!  3. FABULOUS!!  4. Driving Miss Daisy  5. Picking flowers for Mommy  6. Spring is here!  7. Breakfast is hysterical  8. NOODLES!!  9. Coloring Easter eggs for the first time

What was your favorite learning or experience from last week?? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below 🙂

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