Holidays are some of my favorite times, as there is nothing I enjoy quite as much as quality time with family!! This week’s Monday Mashup is all about our Easter weekend travels!
Jon and I have been blessed with two extraordinary families who we wish didn’t live so far apart. Dividing holidays is hard, but when we started dating Jon and I decided we would spend Easter down in southern Indiana with Jon’s family. We had so much fun getting to see everyone and the kids enjoyed their first couple of Easter egg hunts!!
As always, here’s a list of learnings that transpired over this past Easter weekend:
- I eat FAR too much candy, chocolate in particular. The Easter bunny visiting does not help this addiction….
- Harper is a demon when she is tired. She has started to pick at her eye when she’s getting sleepy, in an effort to keep herself awake. Jon and I start screaming “CODE RED!!!” at each other and whisk her off to bed the moment we see it. Sadly, we neglected to follow that code this weekend and boy did we pay for it. I just hope Aunt Judith and Uncle Sean will let us stay with them again! 😉
- Also, a note to all parents about church: when you know in your mommy/daddy gut that you should sit in the cry room at church because your one year old is overtired from screaming for hours the previous night……SIT IN THE CRY ROOM. No one is judging. And if they are, oh well. You won’t be there to see. The mortification your one year old causes during the entirety of the Easter service can then be transferred to when you’re toddler pulls your dress up in front of strangers in the vestibule.
- Ahh…..motherhood. I love it!
We came home to a second Easter egg hunt in our backyard. Jackson had so much fun showing Harper where to find some eggs for her basket!
This week’s mobile images:
1. Goofy girl! 2. Good morning, it’s Easter!! 3. Visiting Auntie Skye and Uncle Nathan’s house site 4. Easter breakfast at church 5. So blessed!! 6. My sweet boy 7. Hunting for eggs 8. CHEESE!!! 9. Jackson loves getting to see his cousin Raelyn!
What was your favorite part of your Easter weekend with loved ones?? I’d love to hear about it!! 🙂
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