The Fun & Exciting Events that Filled My Week
Happy Monday, friends!
If you’re new to Monday Mashup, click HERE to read the first one before you get started! If you’ve already been wonderful enough to follow along for the Monday Mashup fun, welcome back!
Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to this past week:
–Whew, what a whirlwind few weeks this has been! My 9-5 job at Franklin College kept me on my toes with rental textbook check-ins, Christmas orders, and confused parents right up until Christmas. It was a relatively smooth return period and I’m excited for some of the new changes that are coming in the new year!!
-Of course we procrastinated our Christmas portraits. Again. And with Thanksgiving Thursday not being a real holiday for us (we host my family that Saturday!), we ventured to a nearby park for some quick pictures. I am still amazed that we ended up with as many photos I love as we did, seeing as the kids definitely didn’t want to be doing it and we a fat squirrel tried to either attack us or join in.
-The 16th had us traveling down to Evanston for Jon’s family’s Christmas. Besides delicious food and catching up with family, we played our first rounds of Exploding Kittens and had a blast looking around our sister and brother-in-law’s new house. They’ve been building it on their own for over a year now and they’re soooo close to being done! While everything isn’t fully functioning yet, their dream did come true and they were able to move in on Christmas Eve!
-Jon and I have come to the understanding that one of our Christmas traditions is one of us will always be stick. Not ideal, but we learn to deal with what we’re dealt. I constantly get sinus infections this time of the year – I’ve already been to the Little Clinic four times! And Jon ended up catching the gross flu that has been going around. He almost needed a trip to man ICU, but we managed to survive 😉
-Oh man, was Christmas fun this year! Jackson had a pretty good grasp on Santa this year, so we ended up absolutely spoiling both kiddos this year. Jackson wrote his very first letter to Santa at school, so we sent it off to the North Pole. He loved doing it! He was super excited opening the presents from Santa and seeing what he asked for. Gift giving is my love language, so I’ll still on a Santa playing/gift giving high!
-I bought Jon What Do You Meme for Christmas. It is like Cards Against Humanity, but with memes. We played it packed around my grandpa’s kitchen, striving to outdo each other and all nearly dying of laughter. Let’s just say I heard my mother say things I never thought I would!
-I’m an auntie again!! It’s still surreal saying that. My baby brother has his own sweet little nugget! I was so happy to sneak in some snuggles with baby Gauge on Christmas day as well as some extra hugs for my brother and his amazing wife. It was a rough go with baby coming a few weeks early and they had a long, frustrating hospital stay. But they’re all home now and soaking up baby snuggles together!
-Harper decided on Christmas Eve that she was ready to potty train. How, you ask? By standing in the living room watching a movie, then pulling her pants down, looking at me and saying “potty!” It has been pretty smooth sailing, thank goodness. Well, except for the large surprise she did in the bath tub tonight…🙄
1. No better picture to describe a Wittman gathering 2. ISU beat IU. Grandma didn’t take it very well 😉 3. My big girl! 4. We can be cute sometimes 5. My angel babies 6. Twas the Night Before Christmas 7. Gauge David’s debut 8. My brother has his own little nugget! 9. Sure loving this present thing
Much love friends,
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