I am a wimp when it’s cold. Wintertime brings around a wardrobe change full of sweaters, sweatpants, quarter zips, and fuzzy socks. It’s not odd this time of the year to find me rocking two pairs of socks plus a pair of slippers to keep me warm. So with my full on wimpiness around being cold, I have never been super crazy about bundling the kids up and taking them outside to play in the snow. Mostly because it means I would have to be out in it too, ha! But with our first snow storm last weekend, the kiddos were so excited and I just couldn’t pass up the chance to let them have some fun! Plus the cold was worth it, since now I have these beauties to cherish. Enjoy a peek at our fun winter family photos!!
Much love friends,
Courtney, these are total perfection!!!!! What fun memories for your family to look back on! Jealous of your snow storm!
It was so worth going out it, I actually cried when I pulled them up on my computer! And we’re supposed to get 8-9 more inches this weekend, which means you have only a few days to pack it up and get over here!! 😉