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Lydia + Elliott | Brown County State Park Engagement Session


May 11, 2019

Brown County Engagement Session | Nashville, IN

Happy Saturday, friends!! It’s a wedding-free weekend which means I’ve spent the day bustling around the house with Jon and the kiddos as well as some time behind my computer. Flowers have been planted around the house and now I’m so excited to share Lydia and Elliott’s Brown County State Park engagement session with you all!

It’s hard to believe that January was the last time I got together with Lydia! We got together over coffee at one of my favorite downtown Indianapolis spots, Pearings. My Courtney Carney couples are humble, joyful, laid-back couples and I knew Lydia and Elliott fit that to a T minutes after sitting down! I am so very blessed to work with such amazing clients and am counting down the days until these lovebirds November wedding!! I mean, these two showed up with practically a full wardrobe in their car so I could help make sure they looked perfect on camera. And they were up for anything I threw their way, including getting slightly lost in the state park as we drove around. They also enjoyed laughing at me as I recounted how I’d listened to an episode of My Favorite Murder on my way to their session about murders that happened in state parks…what can I say, I sure know how to set the mood – HA!!

Much love friends,

Brown County Indiana State Park Engagement Session

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