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Life With The Carneys

Life with The Carneys

September 20, 2019


Happy Friday, friends! What fun plans do you have for the weekend?!

If you’re new to Life with the Carneys, click HERE to read the first one before you get started! If you’ve already been wonderful enough to follow along for the Life with the Carneys series fun, welcome back!

Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to the last couple of weeks:

My brain simply cannot compute that we have two kiddos ready for school. I got the call at the beginning of September that a spot had opened up for Harper in a Pre-K 3 class and two days later she was headed off to school! She was super excited she finally gets to go to school just like brother!!

And while she was super excited those first couple of days, we’re going through a little bit of separation anxiety. Harper has drop off through the car rider line in the mornings too and three out of the five days this week she has cried. Trying to get her to explain why she’s feeling sad I always get the simple response of “well I’m going to miss you all day!” I know she’ll grow out of it, but boy it breaks my heart! So if you see me over here just crying into my coffee, don’t mind me, I’m FINE.

My beautiful Saturn Vue has been spurting on its last leg and a trip to the mechanic last week confirmed that it was time for a new car for me. It was downright scary driving it the last few weeks before we got rid of it! Jon had started the hunt for a new car the night before it went to the mechanic, just knowing in his gut it probably was not going to be worth our time or money to fix it. And, like always, he was right! He found the perfect car but it was almost a 4 hour trip away. He gave no cares and did an 8 hour road trip to go buy it. He later told me the lack of sleep was worth it because he couldn’t stand the thought of the kids and I riding in that death trap even one more day. Not to brag, but I have the best husband EVER! So RIP Vue…you will not be missed because I have a gorgeous new car that is way better than you!! 😂

Our nephew Joe celebrated his 8th birthday at the beginning of this month! We had so much fun heading to Great Time Fun Zone for some pizza, prizes, and running around like crazy! Jackson was even brave enough to try out the go-karts with Jon and while Jon was a little nervous about how he’d do, Jackson LOVED it!! And let’s be real, if Harper had been tall enough she would have hopped right in and demanded she be the one to drive! 🙄😂

It’s safe to say I’m still over here swooning over how amazing Alex and Carl’s Pinnacle Golf Club wedding was. A sweet couple, fabulous bridal party, and delicious food…it just doesn’t get any better!! You can see our entire fun day HERE!

Another goodie that just hit the blog last night is all about my favorite spots around Indianapolis to take your engagement photos!! Heck, really any type of photo session!! Click HERE to check it out and let me know if you think I missed out on any fun spots!

As I mentioned in the last edition of Life With The Carneys, Jon got a new job! Jackson, Harper, and I headed out last Friday to see “daddy’s band” during one of the football games. They loved getting to see daddy, but they complained that everything was simply too loud and they wanted to go get snacks!

September called for another branding shoot with my favorite girls and it was a blast. Gosh, do I love these girls!! It’s been such a blessing to surround myself with fellow creatives that are smart, kind people that encourage and lift others up. That’s the only type of people I need in my life, thank you very much!!!

Much love friends,

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