The fun & exciting events that filled my week
Happy Monday, friends!
If you’re new to Monday Mashup, click HERE to read the first one before you get started! If you’ve already been wonderful enough to follow along for the Monday Mashup fun, welcome back!
Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to this past week:
-We headed out for a dinner fundraiser to Panera Bread on Wednesday night. It’s always scary taking the kids some place they’ve never eaten, as it’s a coin flip on whether they’ll eat the food we pick for them. You want a PB&J….but not the PB&J at THIS restaurant. Kids are weird. Part of the proceeds went to the support Jon’s band, so it was completely worth the potential headache though!
-This week has left me surrounded by sick people. My assistant manager has been struggling with a pretty bad sinus infection for over a week. After two days spent together in our tiny office, I can only be thankful she went to the doctor and stayed home the rest of the week to recover. You better believe I sprayed the entire place down with Lysol.
-Saturday was the first snowfall of the year in Indiana. My plan was to stay in pjs and do absolutely nothing all day. And as a mom, my version of doing absolutely nothing includes doing 5 loads of laundry, sweeping, and cleaning the kitchen. I also got my Martha Stewart on making these delicious Inside Out Chocolate Chip Cookies by Broma Bakery. Jackson enjoyed being my sous chef! I also lit every Christmas candle in the house. So yeah, there’s my version of doing “nothing.”
-We spent Saturday night hanging with the coolest six year old we know, our nephew Joe. It was Christmas party time for my sister and her co-workers and luckily her boss is our next door neighbor! So it was an evening of chocolate milk, Christmas movies and endless hours of watching the train we have around our Christmas tree go round and round. The screaming laughter can get out of control, but the kiddos certainly have a great time playing with each other.
-If you didn’t check out this sweet family’s lifestyle Christmas session…..what are you thinking?! It’s full of sibling love, matching Christmas pjs and baby smiles. Go, go, GO!!
1. The sass is strong with this one 2. My big girl! 3. I had so much fun with this sweet family!! 4. Panera fundraising dinner. Playing peekaboo with the people seated next to us 5. The most important cookie baking job 6. Cookie Supervisor Harper 7. Boys and their trains 8. WHAAAAAT?! We already have a sassy teenager 9. Cousin fun
Much love friends,
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