Happy Monday, friends!
If you’re new to Monday Mashup, click HERE to read the first one before you get started! If you’ve already been wonderful enough to follow along for the Monday Mashup fun, welcome back!
I’ve been a little MIA, here’s a look at what we’ve been up to this past few week:
-We avoided the bad flu yet again this year, thank the stars. However, we did not avoid a two year sleep regression and a short spout of weird fever and tummy troubles for Jackson.
-Sleep regressions are the WORST. I do remember going through this same phase with Jackson around this age, only his was night terrors. He’d wake up screaming like someone was attacking him. Not Harper, she just wakes up and screams if no one is around.
-How do we know it’s not night terrors? Jon and I stood arguing talking in the hallway outside her room one night after hour two of trying to soothe, rock, let her cry it out, etc. Whenever she could here us whispering in frustration she would stop. As soon as we stopped, she screamed like a crazy woman.
-And goodness, can Harper scream.
-So now it’s back to rocking her to sleep. Which I can’t really mind, since I know these extra cuddles with her will only last for so long.
-Jackson has decided he can ride a bike now. Literally, he just hopped on and started peddling away like he’s been doing it his whole life.
-When I kickstarted my business back into gear last February, I set two business goals I wanted to do differently this time around: Education and Networking. Are those necessarily goals? Or guidelines?….Anywho, I was serious about furthering my education this time around as well as reaching out and finding my tribe. Most of the last year has been spent soaking up some AMAZING education from so many of my favorite creatives. I feel more confident in me and my business than ever before!
-Recently though, I have felt called to start pushing my introvert-self to reaching out to other local wedding vendors around town. Which led to some self-doubt and comparison and all those silly thoughts that can hold you back. And then, in swooped Alison.
-After connecting and chatting over a wedding referral, we set a date to visit Sure Shot Coffee in Fishers and learn more about each other.
–Sure Shot, your honey latte is what dreams are made of. So delicious!
-You know when you meet someone new and you instantly know you’re going to love them?? Yeah, that was Alison. She is the SWEETEST and the more we talked to more we joked about how we might actually be the same person.
-Alison has such a creative mind and it was a joy to learn more about her, her family, and her business. This girl is doing AMAZING things!
-We had shortened hours on Saturday – aka St. Patty’s Day – for Family Weekend on Franklin’s campus. The college planned a lot of fun, engaging activities for the students and parents to partake in. Like one option was Paint Your Own Canvas. I saw more than one dad carrying around half-dried canvases of a night-time landscape.
-My sister and her family watched the kiddos while I was at Family Weekend and Jon was judging for ISSMA. I came home to stories of caves made out of recliners, kids falling out of chairs, and the smells of what would be my first pot of corned beef and cabbage. I am continuously blessed to have such an amazing family.
1. Crazy hair day 2. Extra cup of coffee kinda morning 3. Quiet time 4. Beep Beep! 5. She loves the filters 6. Sure Shot Coffee 7. Window watching 8. Love the Melissa & Doug sets! 9. My little leprechaun
Much love friends,
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