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Shannon + Brian | An Ironworks Hotel Elopement


April 15, 2021

Shannon & Brian’s Spring Elopement At The Ironworks Hotel

When I’m traveling to a location or venue I’ve never photographed at before, I try to arrive at least 30 minutes early. That way I can scope out some locations for photos and get the lay of the land. I’m also a serious weather radar watcher. The weather in Indiana can be so unpredictable, but I’ve had plenty of luck catching a break in bad weather for photos with my couples. Shannon and Brian’s elopement at the Ironworks Hotel was one of those moments!

I arrived at the Ironworks Hotel,  slung my camera bag over my shoulder, and started walking around. The sky wasn’t full of the sun Shannon and I was hoping we’d get for their photos, but the rain from the morning had cleared out. It was beautifully overcast and I was happy to see some trees with blooms. I snapped some reference shots to remind myself of locations (I often get excited when I’m working with my couples and can forget spots I want to go 😂) and headed into the lobby to wait for Shannon and Brian. Veronica with Marry Me In Indy was performing an intimate ceremony for them in the hotel, then it was portrait time with me!

As I sat on a couch in the lobby of the Ironworks Hotel, running ideas through my head and scrolling on my phone, I happened to glance out the wall of windows in front of me. And then I saw it. The dark bar in the sky that could only mean one thing. Rain. And lots of it. I popped open my radar app and internally panicked that the rain was going to ruin our portrait time! Luckily it turned out to be a short, 30-minute band of rain that happened during their ceremony. It moved on and we got a gorgeous Indiana sunset to end our session with!

Couple smiling together Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom walking smiling at each other Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom nuzzling Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom nuzzling and laughing Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom nuzzling Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom holding hands and walking Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom nuzzling Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom holding hands and smiling at camera Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom nuzzling Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom smiling at camera Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom nose to nose Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom forehead kiss Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom walking together and smiling Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom nuzzling Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom laughing kiss Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom chest to chest smiling Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom nuzzling Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom kissing Ironworks Hotel Elopement Bride and groom laughing together Ironworks Hotel Elopement

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